Politeness is a way to communicate so that speakers do not feel pressured, cornered, and offended. Using polite language makes the speech partners and interlocutors feel respected and comfortable and do not cause misunderstanding. In classroom communication, language politeness is vital to maintain harmonious interactions between students and lecturers. It is not merely needed during face-to-face learning, but it is also required during online learning. This study investigates the language politeness strategies students and university lecturers employ during the online learning processes. The researchers in this study used a qualitative approach. The data were collected through conducting observation, recording, and field notes. This study found that several language politeness strategies were employed by the students and the lecturer, namely: the maxim of tact, the maxim of generosity, the maxim of appreciation, the maxim of humility, the maxim of agreement, and the maxim of sympathy. The findings of this study provide implications to enrich the knowledge relevant to the theories and principles concerning effective language politeness strategies used during the learning process.
Kesantunan adalah cara berkomunikasi agar penutur tidak merasa tertekan, terpojok, dan tersinggung. Menggunakan bahasa yang santun membuat mitra tutur dan lawan bicara merasa dihargai dan nyaman serta tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman. Dalam komunikasi kelas, kesantunan berbahasa sangat penting untuk menjaga keharmonisan interaksi antara mahasiswa dan dosen. Tidak hanya dibutuhkan saat pembelajaran tatap muka, tetapi juga dibutuhkan saat pembelajaran daring. Penelitian ini mengkaji strategi kesantunan berbahasa yang digunakan mahasiswa dan dosen selama proses pembelajaran daring. Peneliti dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, pencatatan, dan catatan lapangan. Penelitian ini menemukan beberapa strategi kesantunan berbahasa yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa dan dosen, yaitu: maksim kebijaksanaan, maksim kedermawanan, maksim penghargaan, maksim kerendahan hati, maksim kesetujuan, dan maksim simpati. Temuan penelitian ini memberikan implikasi untuk memperkaya pengetahuan yang relevan dengan teori dan prinsip mengenai strategi kesantunan berbahasa yang efektif yang digunakan selama proses pembelajaran.
How to Cite: Mantra, Ida B. N., Handayani, N. D., Kumara, Dewa G. A. G. (2022). Language Politeness Strategies Employed by Lecturers and Students in Online Learning. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 249-265. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.27069
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DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v9i2.27069
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