The availability of various technological devices to support language learning which are considered as TELL is worthy of being explored by teachers. This research is intended to understand the views of pre-service teachers about the opportunities and challenges in their exploration of TELL. A sequential explanatory mixed methods design was used to obtain data from 34 pre-service English teachers previously studying TELL course in the fifth semester. In the first phase of the study, the participants were involved in a survey to obtain their general perspectives on TELL exploration. A subsequent phase involved 5 participants joining semi-structured interviews to clarify the data from the first phase. The finding of the study indicates that the opportunities for TELL exploration for pre-service teachers are contributed by the benefits of TELL. In contrast, though undoubtedly necessary, TELL exploration was challenged by some factors, including its basic ICT requirement; its costly features and training; and teachers’ lack of experience, competence, and resources to access technology. Considering the needs, opportunities, and challenges, language teacher education should boost more exposure to TELL for pre-service teachers through TELL exploration in formal training and encourage them to keep developing their professionalism through informal training and other relevant sources on TELL.
Ketersediaan berbagai perangkat teknologi untuk mendukung pembelajaran Bahasa yang dianggap sebagai TELL layak untuk dieksplorasi oleh para guru. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk memahami pandangan calon guru tentang peluang dan tantangan dalam eksplorasi mereka terhadap TELL. Desain sequential explanatory mixed methods digunakan untuk memperoleh data dari 34 calon guru yang sebelumnya mempelajari mata kuliah TELL di semester 5. Pada fase pertama penelitian, peserta dilibatkan dalam sebuah survey untuk memperoleh perskpektif umum mereka tentang eksplorasi TELL. Tahap selanjutnya melibatkan 5 peserta yang mengikuti wawancara semi terstruktur untuk memperjelas data pada tahap pertama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peluang explorasi TELL bagi calon guru berasal dari manfaat TELL. Sebaliknya, meskipun sangat diperlukan, eksplorasi TELL terhambat oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk persyaratan TIK dasar TELL, fitur dan pelatihan TELL yang mahal, dan kurangnya pengalaman, kompetensi, dan sumber daya guru untuk mengakses teknologi. Mempertimbangkan kebutuhan, peluang dan tantangan tersebut, pendidikan guru bahasa harus mendorong lebih banyak paparan TELL bagi calon guru melalui eksplorasi TELL dalam pelatihan formal dan mendorong mereka untuk terus mengembangkan profesionalisme melalui pelatihan informal dan sumber relevan lainnya tentang TELL.
How to Cite: Ikawati, L.(2022). Pre-Service Teachers’ Exploration on Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL): Opportunities and Challenges. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 266-288-210. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.27944
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DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v9i2.27944
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