Istifa Putri, Susilo Susilo, Noor Rachmawaty



The article analyzed pre-service teachers’ experiences in designing and implementing instructional videos based on the TPACK framework in their microteaching course. This was a qualitative study in which nine students of English teacher education (i.e., preservice teachers) were the participants who learned to design and implement instructional videos in their micro-teaching course. The data were extracted from the results of the interview and document analyses on their instructional videos made in microteaching class together with other 29 students participating in the class. The data were analyzed by using the interactive model proposed by Miles et al. (2014). The result showed that pre-service teachers had various self-reflections in the experiences of designing and implementing the instructional videos based on the TPACK framework, putting into three phases of steps in design-making and product-implementing. The pre-service teachers’ inadequacies in having the TK and CK caused difficulties in designing the instructional videos in general. Moreover, the pre-service teachers coped with numerous challenges, both personally and technically. Finally, this finding is advisable for 21st-century teacher candidates who should integrate technology into teaching in that they should be technology-alert in any circumstance of teaching.


Artikel ini menganalisis pengalaman calon guru dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan video instruksional berdasarkan kerangka kerja TPACK dalam kursus microteaching mereka. Ini adalah studi kualitatif di mana sembilan siswa pendidikan guru bahasa Inggris (yaitu, calon guru) adalah peserta yang belajar merancang dan mengimplementasikan video instruksional dalam kursus micro-teaching mereka. Data diambil dari hasil wawancara dan analisis dokumen pada video instruksional mereka yang dibuat di kelas microteaching bersama dengan 29 siswa lain yang berpartisipasi di kelas tersebut. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model interaktif yang diusulkan oleh Miles et al. (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa calon guru memiliki berbagai refleksi diri dalam pengalaman merancang dan mengimplementasikan video pembelajaran berdasarkan kerangka TPACK, menempatkan ke dalam tiga fase langkah dalam pembuatan desain dan implementasi produk. Kekurangan guru prajabatan dalam memiliki TK dan CK menyebabkan kesulitan dalam merancang video pembelajaran secara umum. Selain itu, calon guru menghadapi berbagai tantangan, baik secara pribadi maupun teknis. Akhirnya, temuan ini disarankan untuk calon guru abad ke-21 yang harus mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam pengajaran karena mereka harus mewaspadai teknologi dalam segala situasi pengajaran.

How to Cite: Putri I., Susilo, Rachmawaty, N.(2022). EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences in Designing TPACK -Based Instructional Videos . IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 334-357. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.27447


pre-service EFL teachers; instructional video; microteaching course; TPACK-based instructional video; calon guru EFL, video instruksional, kursus microteaching, video instruksional berbasis TPACK


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