This study investigated how ESP students used appraisal language in their tourism blogs. The research design used in this study was a qualitative content analysis. The data sources of this research were ten tourism blogs written by the seventh-semester students taking English for Tourism course. These blogs were selected based on several criteria: a) they were written by students who had good writing skills, and b) they promoted tourism spots in Bali. The obtained data were analyzed by using several steps, namely a) determining the single clause that existed in each sentence; b) identifying clauses based on appraisal theory (attitude, engagement, and graduation), c) categorizing clauses into appraisal language, and d) concluding. The results showed that students realized appraisal language through three types of resources: attitude, engagement, and graduation. Attitude was realized through appreciation and affect; Engagement was realized through expansion and contraction; and Graduation was realized through force and focus. This study implies that to create tourism blogs well, students do not only simply include appraisal language in their writing but also learn how to use them in purposeful and strategic ways.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana mahasiswa ESP menggunakan appraisal language pada tourism blogs. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis konten kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah sepuluh tourism blog yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa semester VII yang mengambil mata kuliah English for Tourism. Tourism blogs ini dipilih berdasarkan beberapa kriteria: a) tourism blogs ditulis oleh mahasiswa yang memiliki keterampilan menulis yang baik, dan b) tourism blogs mempromosikan destinasi wisata di Bali. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan beberapa langkah, yaitu a) menentukan klausa yang ada pada tiap kalimat; b) mengidentifikasi klausa sesuai dengan teori appraisal (attitude, enggagement dan graduation), c) mengelompokkan klausa ke dalam appraisal language, dan d) menarik simpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa merealisasikan appraisal language melalui tiga jenis resources: attitude, engagement, dan graduation. Attitude direalisasikan melalui appreciation dan affect; Engagement direalisasikan melalui expansion dan constraction; dan Graduation direalisasikan melalui force dan focus. Penelitian ini menyiratkan bahwa untuk membuat tourism blog yang baik, mahasiswa tidak hanya sekedar memasukkan appraisal language dalam tulisan mereka tetapi juga belajar bagaimana menggunakannya dengan cara yang strategis.
How to Cite: Marsakawati, Ni P. E.(2022). ESP Students’ Use of Appraisal Language in Tourism Blogs. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 289-310. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.24574
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DOI: 10.15408/ijee.v9i2.24574
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