Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Moral Disengagement Remaja

Zukhrufi Aprilia, Solicha Solicha


This research was conducted in order to know factors influencing moral disengangement
among adolescents. This research used quantitative approach with multiple regression
analysis as tool of study. Number of samples was 270 students of SMAN 6 Jakarta with nonprobability
sampling as technique. In this research tools of data collecting (Mechanisms of
Moral Disengangement Scale, The Measures of Life Attitudes Scale, Self-importance of Moral
Identity Scale, Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) and The Multidimensional Multiattribution
Causality Scale (MMCS) was modified. The research showed that sex, trait
cynism, moral identity, emphaty and locus of control had significant influence toward moral
disengangement. Test of minor hypothesis was conducted and it showed that of four
individual characteristic only locus of control influenced toward moral disengangement
particularly chance and context dimensions of external locus of control and effort dimension of
internal locus of control, whereas trait cynism, internalization, emphatic concern scale,
perspective taking and internal locus of control (ability) had no impact on moral
disengangement. The research also showed that male students have higher moral
disengangement than female students.


moral disengangement, sex, trait cynicism, moral identity, emphaty, locus of control


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DOI: 10.15408/tazkiya.v18i1.9236


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