Arabiyat : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban published twice a year since 2014 (June and December), is a multilingual (Bahasa, Arabic, and English), peer-reviewed journal, and specializes in Arabic Education and Arabic Studies. This journal is published by the Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University of Jakarta, in partnership with IMLA Indonesia (Association of Arabic Lecturers). Click Here to Download MoU.
Editors welcome scholars, researchers and practitioners of Arabic Education around the world to submit scholarly articles to be published through this journal. All articles will be reviewed by experts before accepted for publication. Each author is solely responsible for the content of published articles.
Arabiyat is accredited by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Republic of Indonesia No. 105/E/KPT/2022 on April 2022 (Valid until 2026). Arabiyat has become a CrossRef Member since year 2015. Therefore, all articles published by Arabiyat will have unique DOI number.
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P-ISSN: 2356-153X
E-ISSN: 2442-9473

Author Guideline is available for download here
Arabiyat TEMPLATE is available for download here
Article Sample is available for download here
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Call for Papers |
Arabiyat is calling papers for the issue of Vol. 12, No. 1, 2025. If you have unpublished manuscripts that might fit within our subject areas, please consider submitting to the journal. | |
Posted: 2015-03-04 | |
More Announcements... |
Vol 11, No 2 (2024)
Geographical coverage: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United States of America, and Indonesia
Table of Contents
Is Duolingo Media Effective? An Experimental Study on Increasing Student Interest in Arabic Learning
Wafa' Rizqiyya Adira, Dudung Hamdun, Ahmad Rizki Ramadhan, Tsania Sausan Hasna
Amanda Resti Maulidiya, Maman Abdurrahman, Nalahuddin Saleh
Muhamad Solehudin, Nur Hanifansyah, Iqbal Fathi Izzuddin
Taufiqurrahman Taufiqurrahman, Yahana Almajudha, Fatwiah Noor
Rifqi Muhammad Firdaus, Rohanda Rohanda, Siti Muslikah
Ade Arip Ardiansyah, Izzuddin Musthafa, Isop Syafei, Siti Sanah
Nafisatul Izza R.U., Hanik Mahliatussikah, Mohammad Ahsanuddin
Akhyar Hanif, Cut Afrina, Septika Rudiamon, Adam Mudinillah, Deswita Deswita, Elvi Rahmi
Muhamad Fuad Hasim, Muhammad Baihaqi, Fatihuddin Fatihuddin, M. Rajib Mahditama, Muhammad Iqbal Fuadhi
Ahmad Fadhel Syakir Hidayat, Uril Bahruddin, Syaiful Mustofa, Esad Duraković, Nadiah Abidin