Pesantren and Re-creation of Islamic Knowledge through Qur’anic School System Focusing on Teacher Training Education

Wiji Astuti, Tatsuya KUSAKABE



Pesantren and Qur’anic school are prominent educational pioneers in the largest Muslim populated country, Indonesia. Qur’anic school is the oldest education system, which later inspired the birth of traditional Islamic boarding schools or pesantren that have been growing so rapidly and giving unique characteristics of Islamic education practice throughout of the country. Nowadays Qur’anic schools are almost everywhere in cities and villages, providing Qur’anic reading lesson for Muslim children and educating them to be pious generation based on Qur’an and Hadist. At present, Pesantren has reformed its roles not only serving Islamic education for ordinary villagers, the sons of the middle-class Muslims, and aspiring religious scholars, but also functioning as center of trainings for Qur’anic schools teachers. Although Qur’anic schools and Pesantren are always popular, researches about them remain few. This study uncovered the role of Pesantren at semi-urban rural area of Banjarnegara Regency in Central Java in Qiro’ati and Iqro Qur’anic teacher training education as well as described the process of reconstruction of Islamic knowledge by Qur’anic school teachers. It was found out that there were three steps of reconstruction of knowledge, namely filtering, adaptation, and implementation.


Pesantren dan sekolah berlandaskan Al-Qur’an adalah pionir utama dalam dunia pendidikan di negara dengan populasi muslim terbesar, Indonesia. Sekolah berlandaskan Al-Qur’an adalah sistem pendidikan tertua, dikemudian hari menginspirasi lahirnya Pesantren tradisional yang kemudian tumbuh pesat dan memberikan warna yang khas dalam pendidikan Islam di seluruh negeri. Saat ini sekolah berbasi Al-Qur’an dapat ditemukan di hampir seluruh kota dan desa, memberikan pembelajaran Al-Qur’an bagi anak-anak muslim dan mendidik mereka untuk menjadi generasi yang taat berlandaskan Al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Saat ini, Pesantren telah mereformasi peran mereka tidak hanya melayani pendidikan Islam bagi masyarakat awam di pedesaan, kaum muslim kelas menengah, dan menghasilkan cendekiawan muslim, tapi juga berfungsi sebagai pusat pelatihan guru-guru Al-Qur’an di sekolah. Walauapun sekolah berbasis Al-Qur’an dan pesantren selalu popular, penelitian mengenai hal tersebut masih tergolong sedikit. Penelitian ini memaparkan peran pesantren di daerah semi-urban di daerah Banjarnegara Jawa tengah di dalam pelatihan guru di Qiro’ati dan Iqro Quranic dan juga menjelaskan proses rekonstruksi keilmuan Islam oleh para pengajar di sekolah berlandaskan Al-Qur’an. Diketahui bahwa ada tiga tahapan rekonstruksi keilmuan Islam, antara lain penyaringan, adaptasi dan implementasi.

How to Cite : Astuti, W. Kusakabe, T. (2016). Pesantren and Re-Creation of Islamic Knowledge Through Qur’anic School System Focusing on Teacher Training Education. TARBIYA: Journal Of Education In Muslim Society, 3(2), 1-9. doi:10.15408/tjems.v3i2.3223.



islamic knowledge; qur’anic school; teachers training education; qiro’ati; iqro; keilmuan islam; sekolah al-Qur’an; pendidikan pelatihan guru; qiro’ati; iqro

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TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, p-ISSN: 2356-1416, e-ISSN: 2442-9848

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