Easily Determining Post-Study System Usability for Anime Community E-Commerce Analysis

Rio Andika Malik, Sri Mona Octafia, Vicky Setia Gunawan


The rapid growth of e-commerce as a form of electronic commerce has transformed the global shopping landscape. To maintain user satisfaction and competitiveness, e-commerce sites must effectively understand and improve the usability of their systems after launch. The aims of the study are to improve e-commerce post-launch usability so that anime fans' enthusiasm can be capitalized upon for financial gain and market expansion. In this study, we adopted a combined approach that included user observations, interviews, surveys, and performance measurement for anime community e-commerce analysis Weeboo web commerce. Through this method, we analyze the behavior and views of users towards e-commerce systems. The results show that most users experience a positive experience in shopping online by appreciating the usability of the layout, search process, and fast checkout process. The results indicated that most users have a positive online shopping experience, appreciating the layout, search process, and fast checkout process. The SUS score of 75.375 (grade B) and the overall PSSUQ satisfaction score of 2.0296 indicate that the system is acceptably well-received. The proposed recommendations can help e-commerce companies quickly identify usability issues and implement relevant fixes.


E-commerce, PSSUQ, SUS, system usability, UI/UX

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