
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

APPLIED INFORMATION SYSTEM AND MANAGEMENT (AISM) is the scientific publication of the Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Science and TechnologyUniversitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, collaborated with Communication Forum of Indonesian Scientific Journal Managers (Forum Komunikasi Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah Indonesia-PJII). AISM is open to submission from scholars and practitioners in the wide areas of information system, business informatics, computer science, and information technology from Indonesia and all over the world (see Focus and Scope). Papers are invited from anywhere in the world, and so authors are asked to ensure that sufficient context is provided for all readers to appreciate their contribution.


  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
    • Use the AISM guide of authors as Template manuscript must in English and your guideline for preparing your articles.
    • Manuscripts are written for AISM include research results in the field of Information System disciplines using English. It is recommended that Authors using GrammarlyQuillBot, or Deep Translator for the English submission before submit their papers.
    • AISM does not accept manuscript by email. Submission must be done via the journal website. For those who has never registered, please register first.
    • The length of the manuscript is expected not to exceed 10 pages. Writing the script must follow the rules provided in the template.
    • The manuscript writing is recommended with the structural section as follows: Introduction - Literature Review - Research Methods - Results and Discussion - Conclusions.
    • Citation and bibliography used preferably in the last 5 years (at least 75%) and derived from reputable journals. References from journals of at least 60% of those written.
    • All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
    • When submitting a manuscript, it is also mandatory that Authors read statement of the publication ethics and copyright agreements. The ethics statement of the publication is expected to be read, obeyed and signed before sending.
    • Every text in AISM is reviewed by reviewers with a double-blind review system. All review processes are done online through the web and the progress of the manuscript can be monitored by the author through the website.
    • Every manuscript sent until it is accepted by the editor will not be the same time, depending on the review process of each manuscript. It is hoped that the duration may take around three months from the manuscript submission until its acceptance.
    • The manuscript is checked by Turnitin, and if the result is more than 20%, it will be rejected.
    • It is mandatory that Authors to use Reference Management Software (e.g., Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero) for managing their bibliography with IEEE citation style.
    • Everything related to the citation or use of computer software for making manuscripts or other matters related to intellectual property rights carried out by the manuscript writer, along with the legal consequences that may arise due to it, are the full responsibility of the manuscript writer.


All manuscripts should be submitted online via the AISM Website.

First, Register and Login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions. The authors have to create a user account and be registered as an author. They can register by their self as a Reader, an Author and/or a Reviewer at the Registration page. In this registration page, in order to finish and submit the registration data, all fields with an asterisk beside them are mandatory.

Furthermore, you can login to the journal website and edit your profile at a later date, including your password and role within the same journal. To view and edit your profile, login and click the Edit My Profile link from the User Home page. Alternatively, once logged in you can always click the My Profile link from the User Navigation block on the sidebar, if available. From here, you can update your email address, change your account information, or change your password. To reset your password, it is a simple process if you remember it and just want to change it to something else: login, and from your User Home page click the Change Password link. You will have to enter your current password, and then your new password twice. Please, remember your email and use it if you forgot your log in data to ask the data via the system by following several steps:

  • Click the Login link on the topmost navigation bar.
  • Click the Forgot Your Password link.
  • Enter your email address in the box provided, and click the Reset Password link. This will send a confirmation email to your email address (if you do not see an email in your Inbox, check your spam folder).
  • The email will include a link to reset your password: click it, and you should return to the journal website.
  • On returning to the journal website, you should be notified that an email containing a new password has been sent to your email address. Check for that second email, and use your new credentials to log into the site.
  • After successfully logging in, you will be asked to immediately change your password. Enter the email password first (Current Password), and then a new, secret password twice (New Password, Repeat New Password).

Second, the Author can start submission through the Click Here link under the Start a New Submission heading in the Author page and then follow the five submission stages (i.e., Start, Upload Submission, Enter Metadata, Upload Supplementary Files, and Confirmation). Please, contact the Managing Editor of AISM. The Author is able to track the submission through the review and editorial process by logging in to the journal website.


AISM accepts types of the articles are:

  • Full research papers;
  • Review papers, which include meta-analysis and systematic review; and
  • Short communications, the scientific point of view a short communication paper may be used if you are working with a hot topic and had discovered something never explored before in the literature. It will be of interest of readers and that will possibly encourage more research in the research field.


It is recommended for Authors of AISM to stage their article following structure below:

  • Opening Part
    • Title
    • Author name
    • Author affiliation
    • Abstract
    • Keyword
  • Main Part
    • Introduction
    • Related Work
    • Research Method
    • Result
    • Conclusion
  • Closing Part
    • References


In general, AISM paper template is adopted from IEEE journal template. It is why scholars and practitioners who are concern to information system, computer science, information technology, and engineering disciplines may be easy to follow the journal template. It is five recommended stages for Author to write paper for AISM:

  • Read and follow the general guidelines for Author of AISM;
  • Write your paper following the general guidelines for Author of AISM within as simple as the suggested structure. If you have wrote a paper, you can revise it the paper by adopting the above-mentioned general guidelines;
  • Download the AISM template file;
  • Save as the AISM template into your AISM paper file;
  • Convert your original paper into the AISM template by using copy-paste technique and then adapt each part following the style menu of the template. Operationally, open three MS. Word files, i.e., the original AISM template, your original paper, and your AISM paper. The AISM template file is used as the standard justification format, your original paper is the main source of the writing, and your AISM paper is paper which will be submitted to AISM submission. In detail, you can also search the similar techniques in internet using keywords, for example: how to convert paper into IEEE template.

Besides the format guidelines as it is described in the AISM template, the following descriptions may help Author of AISM to prepare their paper writing:


The title of your article is important related to the number of readers that it will attract when they read in the search results. It is a good summary of your work and that it addresses the right audience.

  • Determine what kind of information you want to present to readers of your paper. Do you want to declare your research findings (declarative title), to descript your study (descriptive title), or to interrogate your research problem (interrogative title)?.
  • Write your paper title which convey your study using the simple, clear, interesting words with around 10 words.
  • Specifically, write the title following the journal template.

Author Name

It is compulsory that AISM only accepts submission with max. 6 authors with their first name and last name. In the simple way, please refer to the academic indexation database which you have already indexed. This may help you in the indexation system. If authors who have single word, they can write their name with double word of the name. For example, if the author name is Muhammad, he has to write his name as Muhammad Muhammad. In detail, please follow the journal template for writing Author name in particular.

Author Affiliation and Email

Please, write correctly your affiliation name, affiliation address, and email following the journal template. You can write your double affiliations if any. In the simple way, please refer to the academic indexation database which you have already indexed. This may help you in the indexation system.


Write the short descriptions of the background (which presents the problem statements), objectives, methods, findings/results, and significances of the study within around 150-200 words. Please use the past tenses for elucidating this part, in terms of a post-study which reports the research itself previously. Do not use citation here and symbols, special characters, footnotes, or Math in the paper title and abstract.


Write your five (maximum) keywords which present your study. The aim of keyword writing is related to the indexation system of your manuscript in the academic databases, how the readers can find your article when they search literature for their study using specific keywords.


  • It is recommended that the Introduction section consists of the research program points and closed by the article content description paragraph. Points of the research programs are the background, problem, aim, purpose (if any), method, significancy, and question (if any) of the study. The content description paragraph elucidates a short elucidation about structure of the article to help readers then.
  • Please, write the above-mentioned research programs with clear, coherent (interrelated among parts), cohesive (flows between parts), and readable descriptions.
  • Authors may explain more deeply the background point with results of their literature study if they did not write the literature review section in their articles.
  • Use sufficient references to support your descriptions.

Related Work

  • Related Work section are designed to convey an overview of literature sources which Authors have explored around their particular topic and to present significance and position of the study among the similar studies.
  • This part elucidates a description, summary, and critical evaluation of these works in relation to the research problem being investigated.
  • Please, keep the elucidation points coherent with descriptions of the research program in the Introduction section.
  • However, each elucidation may start with a definition, but Literature Review section is not just a definition collection.
  • Use sufficient references to support your descriptions.

Research Methods

  • This section conveys the methodological points of research implementation which reported in the article. Thus, you have to use past tenses to describe this section.
  • The description points may include the approaches, strategies, population, samples, methods, techniques, tools, and procedures of the study.
  • Authors may use figure or table to demonstrate the above-mentioned points in order to help Readers understanding the points. However, it is not recommended to describe in text descriptions which has already described by the figure or table.
  • Please use the past tenses for elucidating this part, in terms of a post-study which reports the research itself previously.
  • Use sufficient references to support your descriptions.


  • Please, stage systematically the result and discussion points within the clear, consistent, and coherent elucidations.
  • The result demonstrations can be done following the research design used in the study, for example:

1st Alternative

2nd Alternative

3rd Alternative

  • Results-1
  • Discussions-1
  • Findings-1
  • Results-1
  • Result-2
  • Results-n
  • Results-1
  • Result-2
  • Results-n
  • Results-2
  • Discussions-2
  • Findings-2
  • Discussions-1
  • Discussions-2
  • Discussions-n
  • Discussions-1
  • Findings-1
  • Discussions-2
  • Findings-2
  • Discussions-n
  • Findings-n
  • Results-n
  • Discussions-n
  • Findings-n
  • Findings-1
  • Findings-2
  • Findings-n
  • The discussion can be carried out by considering and benchmarking the results with the theoretical, practical, or methodological issues of the similar findings/studies used in the study. It is related to explore and to find what/which are your findings (research findings), where are position of your findings among others (research contributions), and why/how your findings are important (research significance).
  • Please use the English grammar correctly for elucidating this part, in terms of a post-study which reports the research itself previously.
  • Use sufficient references to support your descriptions.


  • It is recommended that this section is structured following the sequential descriptions of the findings, contributions, limitations, and recommendation points.
  • Please, write this section with simple, clear, systematic, and complete descriptions.
  • Do not use citations in this section. It is assumed that descriptions of this part describe your original statements referring to your research conclusions.


  • It is recommended to use software management citations, e.g., such as Mendeley, EndNote, and Zotero.
  • Please, use IEEE citation style. In detail, you can see the AISM template.
  • The references are recommended to use preferably in the last 5 years (at least 75%) and derived from reputable journals.
  • References from journals of at least 60% of those written.

Figures and Tables

  • Positioning Figures and Tables in text.
  • It is recommended to place figures and tables at the top or bottom of columns.
  • Large figures and tables may span across both columns.
  • Figure captions should be below the figures and table heads should appear above the tables.
  • Insert figures and tables after they are cited in the text.
  • Use the abbreviation Fig. 1 or Table 1 to mentioned it in the text, do not use Figure below or above.
  • In detail, please see the journal Template

Abbreviations and Acronyms

  • Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they are used in the text, even after they have been defined in the abstract.
  • Abbreviations such as IEEE, SI, MKS, CGS, sc, dc, and rms do not have to be defined.
  • Do not use abbreviations in the title or heads unless they are unavoidable.

Equations and Symbols

  • The equations are an exception to the prescribed specifications of this template. You will need to determine whether or not your equation should be typed using either the Times New Roman or the Symbol font (please no other font).
  • To create multileveled equations, it may be necessary to treat the equation as a graphic and insert it into the text after your paper is styled.
  • Number equations consecutively. Equation numbers, within parentheses, are to position flush right, as in (1), using a right tab stop.
  • Note that the equation is centered using a center tab stop. Be sure that the symbols in your equation have been defined before or immediately following the equation. Use (1), not Eq. (1) or equation (1), except at the beginning of a sentence: Equation (1) is . . .
  • In detail, see the journal Template
Common Mistakes
  • The paper that represents just a compilation of material by other authors without personal contribution.
  • Grammar, spelling and stylistic mistakes.
  • Colloquialisms.
  • Suppositions, theories without proving evidence, data, statistical information.
  • Subjectivity (the usage of superlatives, being too intense like).
  • Skipping the conclusion part. 
  • Wandering off the subject.
  • Be consistent use English (American or British) and Bahasa Indonesia.
  • In detail, see the journal Template.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Creative Commons License

APPLIED INFORMATION SYSTEM AND MANAGEMENT (AISM) is licensed under  Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0).



Privacy Statement

- All submitted papers should follow our Code of Ethics! Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and will not be tolerated in any sort! Any case of plagiarism would lead to a lifetime abundance of all authors for publishing in any of our journals or conferences.

- The authors retain the rights to any intellectual property developed by themeselves and included in the manuscript, including, without limitation, any models, theories, or conclusions formulated by the authors


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