Evaluation of Digital Sociology on Student Salaf and Modern Islamic Boarding Schools

Nia Kumaladewi, Meinarini Catur Utami, Sarip Hidayatuloh


The current use of digital technology has a lot of influence on human life, especially human sociological aspects, such as patterns of interaction, knitting relationships between individuals, patterns of social behavior relationships, individual attitudes and actions, and so on. The purpose of this research is to find out the digital technology that is in demand and the most widely used by students in modern and salaf Islamic boarding schools and to find out how the influence of digital technology on the social relations of students/women with the internal and external environment of the Islamic boarding school. The research was carried out using a quantitative survey and correlational approach to determine the influence of the intensity of use of social media (Youtube, Whatsapp, Instagram) on social skills in salaf and modern Islamic boarding school students. The sampling technique was random sampling at three Salaf and modern Islamic boarding schools with a sample size of 204. The results of the validity and reliability tests obtained Cronbach's alpha values above 0.6, indicating that the instruments used in the research were valid and reliable. The data analysis technique was carried out using SEM PLS SmartPLS. The results of the research are that there is a relationship between the intensity and duration of social media use by students in Salaf and modern Islamic boarding schools and their level of social skills. This shows that social media usage patterns can influence their ability to interact socially, both positively and negatively.


Digital sociology, islamic boarding school, quantitative, social skills

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