Non-Rating Recommender System for Choosing Tourist Destinations Using Artificial Neural Network

Yunifa Miftachul Arif, Dyah Wardani, Hani Nurhayati, Norizan Mat Diah


The development of tourist destinations in Batu City makes it hard for the tourists to decide their destinations. The recommender system is a solution that provides a lot of information or tourist attraction data. Collaborative filtering is often used in recommender systems. However, it has drawbacks; one of which is the cold-start problem, where the system cannot recommend items to new users. It was caused by the new user who had no history of rating on any item, or the system had no information. This study aims to apply a non-rated travel destination recommendation system to address the cold-start problem for new users. We use a multi-layer perceptron or artificial neural networks to overcome the problem by training user preference data to produce high training accuracy. Based on four experiments in the training data, the network architecture shows 5 – 7 – 5 – 3 –14, which is the highest accuracy. The architecture uses five variables as inputs and three hidden layers, with each layer was activated using the ReLU activation function. The output layer produces 14 binary outputs and is activated using the sigmoid activation function. The system can give recommendations to new users using feedforward from test data with updated values in weights and biases. The test results from 46 test data showed an accuracy of 67.235%.


Cold-start problem, artificial neural network, recommendation system, collaborative filtering

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