Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perilaku Merokok pada Remaja

Amelia Safitri, Mohammad Avicenna, Netty Hartati


The present study investigated factors that influence smoking behavior among adolescents.
Peer attachement, stress (increased workload, lack of academic performance and lower grade
that anticipated), parenting styles (authoritarian, authoritative, and permissive) were
hypothesized influence adolescent involvement in smoking. A number of 249 students that
came from SMP Darussalam Jagakarsa South Jakarta and actively smoking were recruited
using non-probably sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression
Analysis were carried out to evaluate validity of the scales and answer of the research
quiestions by using SPSS and LISREL 8.70 programs. The results found that peer
attachment , stress, and parenting styles significantly influence smoking behavior among
adolescents (p < 0.05), (F=39.676, df=7) and R2=53.5%. However, analysis based on each
dimension only four dimensions significantly influence smoking behavior, namely peer
attachment , lack of academic performance, increased workload, and authoritative parenting
(p-value < 0.05). This study suggested to conduct more extensive research to investigate the
influence of stress especially getting lower grade that anticipated; and authoritarian and
permissive parenting styles on smoking behavior among adolescents. Moreover, the study
suggested to develop scale that suitable with indonesian culture, as well as to recruit more
female adolescent smokers.


smoking behavior, peer attachment, stress, increased workload, parenting styles


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DOI: 10.15408/tazkiya.v18i1.9309


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