A Description of MMPI-2-RF Profile of Eleven Boko Haram Terrorists

Temitope Folashade Aroyewun, Helen Osinowo, Asma Perveen, Khadijah Aroyewun-Adekomaiya


Nigeria, the largest country on the continent of Africa, has been fighting wars with the proclaimed terrorist group Boko Haram. Currently, Boko Haram has between 1,500 and 2,000 fighters; most documentation about them is either a position paper or a situation review. There is scanty data on the personality and psychological assessment of Boko Haram terrorists using a standardized self-report inventory. Hence, this study aims to describe and explore the profile of the Boko Haram suspects on all the scales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form. Eleven respondents were purposefully recruited because they were the only ones incarcerated at the ‘Kiri-kiri’ Prison facility at the time of this research. Their scores on the inventory were descriptively analyzed. More of these terrorists endorsed significant scores or symptoms of emotional/internalizing dysfunction (EID), somatic complaints (RC1), antisocial behavior (RC4), ideas of persecution (RC6), gastrointestinal complaints (GIC), neurological complaints (NUC), suicidal/death ideation (SUI), anxiety (AXY), shyness (SHY), and disaffiliativeness (DSF), while elevated scores or severe symptoms were reported on stress/worry (STW) and psychoticism (PSYC-r). This research provides personality and psychological assessments of Boko Haram terrorists for the first time using MMPI-2-RF, though it is limited by sample size. Therefore, a larger sample size may be needed for further studies and the ability to make inferences and generalizations.


boko haram terrorists; higher order scale; mmpi-2-rf; personality and psychopathology scales


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