Refleksi: Jurnal Kajian Agama dan Filsafat

Refleksi: Jurnal Kajian Agama dan Filsafat (p-ISSN: 0215-6253; e-ISSN: 2714-6103) is a journal published by the Faculty of Ushuluddin Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, incooperation with Himpunan Peminat Ilmu-ilmu Ushuluddin (HIPIUS). The Journal specializes in Qur'an and Hadith studies, Islamic Philosophy, and Religious studies, and is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on the subject. This journal welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines.

Refleksi has become a CrossRef Member since year 2015. Therefore, all articles published by Refleksi will have unique DOI number.

Refleksi has been accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and the Higher Education Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal (SK No. 85/M/KPT/2020) and (SK No. 105/E/KPT/2022).

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 4, No 2 (2002): Refleksi

Table of Contents


M. Deden Ridwan
Syamsuri Syamsuri
Alimuddin Hassan Palawa
Hamid Nasuhi


M. Isa H. A. Salam
Maulana Maulana

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