The Contribution of Master Chin Kung in World Peace and Interfaith Dialogue

Amsal Bakhtiar


Master Chin Kung’s contribution to advocating for peace and interfaith dialogue is significant. He is not only a religious leader for the Buddhist faith but also serves as a role model for followers of other religions due to his steadfastness in promoting the universal values of religion. He believes that the goal of all religions is the same, which is to realize peace and compassion among all believers. As a result, Master Chin Kung, who has been awarded an honorary doctorate from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, tirelessly urges world leaders to prioritize peaceful approaches over war. His extensive travels across five continents further drive him to continue advancing peace and harmony among religious communities. He firmly believes that religious education is the gateway to instilling greater love for peace and compassion in individuals. Therefore, he has established various institutions and foundations aimed at disseminating the universal values of religion. Among the foundations he has established is the Multi Culture Society in Jakarta. This foundation is highly active in organizing interfaith dialogue activities and multi-faith education.


Chin Kung, Buddhism, Interfaith Dialogue, Peace.

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Dharma, Sinar. “Kunjungan Master Chin Kung dan Master Hai Thao”, edisi 07, 2004.

Kung, Master Chin. “Multi-Faith Education for Harmony and Peace” Paper presented UIN Jakarta.

Kung, Master Chin. Di Zi Gui, Toowoomba: Pure Learning College, 2003.

Kung, Master Chin. Kutipan Ceramah Master Chin Kung, Pure Land Learning College.

Kung, Chin. “Reflections on the Issues of Peace and Religious Educa-tion,” Paper at International seminar in Jakarta February 1-3, 2005.

Silent Voices, The Collected Works of Venerable Master Chin Kung, Tai-wan: Budha Educational Foundation.

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