Publication Schedule
The Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (JISI) is a scholarly journal published twice a year, in the periods of January–June and July–December. Each issue contains no fewer than 10 articles that have undergone a rigorous evaluation and editing process.
The articles published cover a wide range of themes related to social sciences, with a primary focus on research findings, literature reviews, and critical analysis of current issues. To ensure the quality of the publication, all submitted articles will go through an initial selection stage, peer review, and final editing before being published.
As a timeline reference, articles to be published in the January–June issue must be submitted by the author no later than October of the previous year. Meanwhile, articles for the July–December issue must be received by April of the current year at the latest. This schedule is designed to allow sufficient time for the review process and publication preparation, ensuring the quality of the content presented to readers.
With a consistent publication schedule and professional management, Jurnal Ilmu Sosial Indonesia (JISI) is committed to becoming one of the leading references in the development of social sciences in Indonesia.