Imam Subchi, M. Anwar Syarifuddin, Ilham Fikri Ma'arif


This study discusses how the Ḥadīth related to the pandemic and how the practice of a ḥadīth boarding school - Darus-Sunnah in South Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia- deal with this issue using a qualitative, and descriptive-analytical method with an anthropological-phenomenological paradigm, this research identifies and constructs their discussion on pandemic and their effort to deal with it. The study finds that Darus-Sunnah bases their discussion about the Covid-19 outbreak on Ḥadīth sources. It also finds that understanding the Prophet’s traditions can thoroughly help to prevent the spread of Covid-19 as the Ḥadīth sources suggest to avoid the possibility for the viruses to transmit to others, and recommend to collaborate between religious, government, and health care agents in combatting the pandemic.


Covid-19; Darus-Sunnah Islamic Boarding School; Policy.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/iu.v8i2.23388 Abstract - 0 PDF - 0


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