Analysis of the Impact of Meteorological Factors on Predicting Air Quality in South Tangerang City using Random Forest Method

Nurchaerani Kadir, M. Faisal, Fachrul Kurniawan


Air pollution has become one of the most significant environmental problems in many cities throughout the world, which can endanger public health and the environment. Understanding the impact of meteorological conditions on air quality is very important to understanding air pollution patterns. This study investigates the influence of meteorological variables on air quality predictions in South Tangerang City, Indonesia, using the Random Forest method. Modeling is carried out by building two scenarios, namely predictions using meteorological variables and predictions without meteorological variables. Prediction performance analysis is measured using MAE, MSE, RMSE, R-square, and accuracy. The accuracy results of the research show that predictions without meteorological variables provide good prediction results with a value of 86.42%, but predictions with meteorological variables have better performance with a value reaching 98.99%. The largest error values from each model were 2.58 MAE, 71.82 MSE, and 8.4747 RMSE obtained in prediction modeling without meteorological variables, while the smallest error values were obtained in prediction modeling using meteorological variables, namely 0.00, 0.01, and 0.0219, respectively, for MAE, MSE, and RMSE. This research contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between meteorology and air pollution and air quality in urban areas and helps develop targeted mitigation strategies to improve air quality and public health, especially in South Tangerang City and the surrounding area.


Air quality, meteorological factors, random forest

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