Shaikh ‘Alā` al-Dīn Alī al-Bahlawān and His Annotation on Tafser Al-Kashshāf of Al-Zamakhsharī | الشيخ علاء الدين علي البهلوان وحاشيته علي تفسير الكشاف للزمخشري

Khubby Mulyono


This study about Shaikh ‘Alā` al-Dīn Alī al-Bahlawān annotation on tafser al-Kashshaf, begins with revealing the figure of al-Bahlawān, then dissect his annotation method  on al-Kashshaf. This research revealed that al-Bahlawan pinned some reference to the muslim scholars, analyzing vocabulary by basing on dictionaries, and criticism of al- Zamakhsharī Mu'tazila understand.


علاء الدين علي البهلوان (‘Alā` al-Dīn Alī al-Bahlawān), حاشية (annotation), تفسير الكشاف (Tafser al-Kashshaf), الزمخشري (al- Zamakhsharī).

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DOI: 10.15408/zr.v12i1.9921


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