Dialogue: Unveiling the Pivotal Role and Its Qur'anic Principles | أهمية الحوار وأسس قرآنية في الحوار مع الآخرين

Ahmad Kusjairi Suhail


The wisdom of God, Blessed and Most High, required that people be created with different religions, opinions, trends, purposes, understandings, and ideas, and from here comes the importance of dialogue. The Holy Qur’an has paid great attention to dialogue. This research aims to reveal the urgency of dialogue from various perspectives such as within the humanitarian paradigm, from a sharia perspective, and from a contemporary world perspective. Apart from that, this research also explains the basic principles in the Koran relating to dialogue with other people, whether fellow Muslims or with followers of other religions (non-Muslims. This research argues that the Holy Qur’an’s interest in dialogue, that it is a humanitarian necessity, a legal obligation, and a modern need, and that the glorious Book of God includes important foundations that must be adhered to in dialogue with others, all of this is evidence that the nation of the Qur’an have been advocates of dialogue throughout their history.


Dialogue; Qur'anic Principles; Others.


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DOI: 10.15408/zr.v18i2.36374


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