أحاديث ذمة الله وضمانه ومن يدخل فيهما جمع ودراسة

Faisal Ahmed Naji Mohsen Alataei


The research aims to collect the hadiths in which those who are under Allah's protection and guarantee are mentioned, the definition of their qualities. The study of those hadiths, with an indication of the virtue of the deeds that brought them to that level, whether these actions are obligatory: such as the dawn prayer (salat alfajr), or supererogatory deeds: such as reading ayat alkursi. It has also mentioned a statement Punishment of those who betrayed Allah in his protection. The research also collects the hadiths that were mentioned in which those who have been acquitted of God’s protection, and what are the deeds that led them to that level? The study of those hadiths is due to the lack of those who told the Prophet, peace be upon him, that they are under God’s protection, or under his guarantee. The research also mentioned those from whom the obligation was acquitted, and the meaning of the responsibility and the guarantee, and Allah's protection and his guarantee.

The importance of the research appears: it highlighted the actions that make the servant -Allah's servant- reach a rank in which he deserves God's protection, sponsorship and guarantee. Likewise, until he turns away from deeds that make God disown him.  This is not an easy thing for a servant -Allah's servant-to come out of God's protection.

The researcher has used the analytical inductive method in collecting, arranging the hadiths, and commenting on them. The researcher has also reached an important conclusion: that there are simple deeds   that make the servant -Allah's servant- obtain Allah's protection and safety, and live in God’s guarantee, if Muslim knows these deeds does and preserves them, he finds them simple and easy, as well as a warning to the Muslim from deeds that make him lose that preservation, and safety.

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DOI: 10.15408/zr.v20i2.34103


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