Tadabbur: Jurnal Integrasi Keilmuan
Tadabbur: Jurnal Integrasi Keilmuan
Tadabbur is published by the Mahad Al-Jamiah UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in partnership with Asosiasi Mudir Ma'had Al-Jami'ah Nasional (AMMAN) PTKIN se-Indonesia. Click Here to see MoU.
Tadabbur aims to promote students articles concerning on every aspect of the area of Islamic studies (thoughts, practices, beliefs, institutions, and civilizations) across all content areas and disciplines, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary studies on various fields of general knowledge in the Muslim community. Tadabbur publishes biannually (June and December). As a peer-reviewed Indonesian journal, the journal welcomes scholarly interdisciplinary works relating to Islam written in Indonesian, English, or Arabic.

Author Guidelines is available for download here
Tadabbur TEMPLATE is available for download here
Article Sample is available for download here
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