Itnab dan Gaya Bahasa AL-Qur'an

Fathurrahman Rauf


Al-Qur'an has wonderful language and literary style.
It contains God's verses and mighty miracles for the prophet Muhammad pbuh. In terms of language and literature, Al- Qur'an is bound with both patterns. Itnab, one of Al-Qur'ans language style, reflects distinguished purpose and function, i.e. to draw the attention of the readers and audience and to affirm its content.


Itnab; Ijaz;, Zikr al- Khas Ba'da al- "Am; Zikr al-'Am Ba'da al- Khas; Al-Idah Ba'da al- Ibham, Al Tikrar, Al- I'tirad, Al- Tazyil; dan Al-Ihrtiras


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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v11i2.6776


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