Al Muhassinat al Lafdziyyah al-Ma'nawiyah
by the exciting and challenging to Abdu al-an-Nabulisi Ghaniy formulated more than 160 scientific studied on badi'. Subsequent devlopment of science badi' orientation to orientation decreased pragmatic, not unlike just memorizing rules and unable to come to tadzawwuq balaghi.Study of badi'increasingly leaving only a few studies have considered the main pragmatic language in the Koran dive like the one in the book such as al-al-Wadhihah Balaghah, Jawahir al-Balagha, Jauhar al-Maknun etc.. Balaghah studies are still in existence and is considered the primary will be presented in this article.
Akhdlori, Imam , Ilmu Balaghah Tarjamah Jauhar Maknun (H. MochAnwar), Bandung; al-Ma;arif, 1989. Cet ke-3.
Hidayat, D, Al-Balaghah li al-Jami' waal-Syawahid min Kalam al-Badi' (Balaghah untuk semua), Tangerang Selatan, PT. Karta Toha
Putera Semarang dan Yayasan Bina masyarakat Qur'ani Jakarta, tt (2011). al-Jarim, Ali dan mUstahfa Amin, Terjemahan Al-Balaghatul
Waadihah (Penerjemah Mujiyo Nurkhois dkk), Bandung; Sinar Baru Al-Gensindo, 2004. Cet, ke-5. diunduh 01 Mei 2012.
http://tiaret2.yoo&.com/t936-topicdiunduh 01 Mei 2012. diunduh 01 Mei 2012. diunduh 01 Mei 2012.
DOI: 10.15408/bat.v18i2.4299
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