Pemikiran Kritis Lucy Irigaray dalam Linguistik
She becomes well known as critisizing all of the written in public are rare to discuss about women significanlly.
One of her studies Is in linguistics entilled Je, tu, nous, Pour une Culture
de la difference arguing about sex and gender in language. She examined the women do not be the subject
in the language Instead of men. Furthermore, feminine pronoun is replaced for unimportant things whereas masculine pronoun
Is for Important thing based on French culture. She thinks language has a essensial role as a means of communication
In society and determined the position of women.
Arivia, Gadis, Filsafat Berspektif Femins, Jakarta: Yayasan Jurnal Perempuan, 2003.
Artand Culture Artist Luce Irigaray, html diakses 26 Nopember 2006
Dzuhayatin, Siti Ruhaini dkk. Rekonstruksi Metodologis wacana Kesetaraan gender dalam Islam,
Yogyakarta: PSW IAIN Sunan Kalijaga, McGILL-IISEP dan Pustaka Pelajar, 2002.
Humm, Maggie, Dictionary of Feminist Theories, Terj. R Mundi, Ensiklopedia Feminisme, Yogyakarta: Fajar Pustaka Baru, 2002.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, html diakses 26 Nopember 2006
lrigaray, Luce, Je, tu, nous, Pour une Culture de la difference, Terj. Hidayat, S. Rahayu, Aku, Kamu, Kita: Belajar Berbeda, Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 2005.
Tong, Rosemary Putnam, Feminist Thought A More Comprehensive Introduction, Terj. A P. Prabasmoro, Colorado: Westview Press, 2004.
DOI: 10.15408/bat.v13i1.4244
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