Urgensi Aspek Gramatika dalam Wacana Lisan Bahasa Inggris
professions, socialisations and dicipline enquiry. To speak one anonther, we make use of sentences, or, to be more
practice, utterance. Such utterances can be performed in anyone of variaty ways, but to those who believe that shorter
utterances are more easy understood than longer ones. That is why an utterance can be expressed in merely one phrased
or sentence. Controvercies among those who decide whether or not grammaar is needed for students to learn particulary
in speaking skill bring us to attempt to analyzing how gramatical aspects such as morphem and syntax have more
contribution in the functional sentences (pragmatic). Therefore, to teach how to perform language functions and grammar
might not be separated: students need to learn grammar but they also need to be taught functions. The decision is obvious:
depending which levels we are talking about. In other word we need to consder those levels, such as level of difficulty,
the level of transparency, and the level of formality.
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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v13i1.4239
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