Cirebon and Geertz's Trichotomy: Exploration of Anti-Structure Folklore in Javanese Culture
Geertz's trichotomy serves as a guide for reading (1) how the priyayi, santri, and abangan categories are structured in the representations of the meanings of the folklore studied and (2) how these representations are connected to Sunan Gunung Jati and Sheikh Siti Jenar.
This article used a qualitative descriptive method. Folklore data was obtained from interviews, documentation, observation, and literature reviews.
Cirebon batik is produced in the Syattariyah order tradition. This statement contradicted the description of Cirebon batik, which contained the meaning of Manunggaling Kawula Gusti (the union of a servant with his God) which embraces an anti-structural typology of structures originating from Sheikh Siti Jenar.
The anti-structural nature of Cirebon batik merges Geertz's trichotomy into a new category, namely kawula, before God. The doctrine of Manunggaling Kawula Gusti acts as the knowledge that directly forms batik patterns and is still connected to the Syattariyah order if we place Sheikh Datul Kahfi as the figure who brought this order to Cirebon. The elaboration of all these conclusions shows Cirebon's position as a mixed type in Geertz's trichotomy.
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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v29i2.31988
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