Equivalence Levels of Literary Corpus Translation Using a Freeware Analysis Toolkit
Machine translation has the potential to make huge contributions to translation industries, but it seems, for now, that machine translation equivalence has led to a crucial point for literary translation by using machine translation because of the problem of the equivalence itself. This paper, therefore, aimed to see the equivalence degree of literary translation resulted by machine translation, i.e., freeware toolkit AntConc 3.5.0 software 2019. The data were collected from English-Indonesian J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix novel by using the software to find the equivalent translation. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively based on the strategy of translation equivalent level proposed by Mona Baker (1992). The analyzed data revealed that the equivalent level of the software mostly occurred in a word level, above word level, and grammatical level. The software was likely difficult to find a textual level and a pragmatic level of translation equivalence because they required a context and still needed human involvement as part of a greater creative project of translation which were not done by the machine translation. After all, Antconc 3.5.0 as Computer Assisted Tool (CAT) brought a huge contribution to translation industry, helped to analyze large corpora particularly to find the degree of translation equivalence in word and above word level.
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DOI: 10.15408/bat.v27i1.16916
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