Buletin Al-Turas

Welcome to Buletin Al-Turas

Buletin Al-Turas (ISSN Print: 0853-1692 E-ISSN: 2579-5848is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by Fakultas Adab and Humaniora, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in collaboration with ADIA (Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu-Ilmu Adab). The primary goal of Buletin Al-Turas is to provide readers with a better understanding of Humanities studies through the publication of current academic articles.

Buletin Al-Turas specializes in Humanities studies including history, literature, applied linguistics, cultures, and library sciences written in English, Arabic, or Indonesian language, and is intended to communicate original researches and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines

Buletin Al-Turas has been accredited SINTA 2 by the Ministry of Research and Technology of The Republic of Indonesia No. 85/M/KPT/2020.

This journal has become a Crossref Member since the year 2017. Therefore, all published articles have unique DOI numbers.

Journal Homepage Image

Indexed by EBSCOGoogle Scholar, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Academia.edu, Garuda Ristekdikti, ISJD PDII LIPI, Indonesia One Search. For other indexing click here


Citation and reference must follow APA style (American Psychological Association) sixth edition and using reference manager software (Mendeley or Zotero).

Buletin Al-Turas invites all researchers and those who are interested in Humanaties Sciences, to submit their research or review papers to be published in volume 30. The first issue will be published in March 2024, and the second issue will be published in September 2024. Article can be written in Indonesian, Arabic, or English. However, English is preferred.
Posted: 2023-11-30