Hendra Yulisman, Ari Widodo, Riandi Riandi, Cut Intan Evtia Nurina





Model integrasi teknologi mengalami perubahan dari model yang berfokus pada teknologi ke model yang berfokus pada pedagogi, salah satunya adalah TPACK. Informasi mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru IPA dan kontribusi pengetahuan konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam pembentukan TPACK guru masih belum banyak tersedia. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru IPA dan kontribusi pengetahuan konten, pedagogi, dan teknologi dalam pembentukan TPACK. Penelitian survei ini melibatkan 88 orang guru mata pelajaran IPA Kota Banda Aceh. Data mengenai kemampuan TPACK guru diperoleh dari soal tes berbentuk pilihan berganda. Penyebaran soal dilakukan secara langsung melalui kegiatan pelatihan. Analisis data dilakukan secara statistik deskriptif dan inferensial (pemodelan SEM-PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa profil kemampuan TPACK guru IPA SMP di Kota Banda Aceh didominasi oleh  pengetahuan konten (CK). Hasil analisis SEM-PLS menunjukkan bahwa CK, PK, dan PCK secara langsung dan tidak langsung berkontribusi dalam pembentukan TPACK guru IPA SMP di Kota Banda Aceh. Pemerintah dan penyelenggara pendidikan diharapkan dapat membantu guru untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menggunakan teknologi secara efektif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran agar terbentuk TPACK yang komprehensif.


The model of technology integration has changed from models that focus on technology to models that focus on pedagogy, one of which is TPACK. The information about science teachers’ TPACK and the contribution of content, pedagogy, and technology on the formation of science teachers’ TPACK is still limited. Therefore, this research aimed to obtain information about the science teachers’ TPACK and the contribution of content, pedagogy, and technology on the formation of TPACK. This survey research involved 88 science teachers from Banda Aceh City. The data about science teachers’ TPACK was obtained from multiple-choice test questions. The questions were distributed directly through training activities. Data analysis was performed by descriptive and inferential statistics (SEM-PLS modeling). The results showed that the TPACK ability profile of junior high school science teachers in Banda Aceh City was dominated by content knowledge (CK). The results of the SEM-PLS analysis showed that CK, PK, and PCK, directly and indirectly, contributed to the formation of the science teachers’ TPACK in junior high school in Banda Aceh City. The government and education providers were expected to be able to help teachers to improve the ability to use technology effectively in learning activities to form a comprehensive TPACK.



content knowledge; pedagogical knowledge; technological knowledge; science teachers’ TPACK

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