Sistem informasi akademik merupakan lalu lintas komunikasi antara Dosen, mahasiswa, dan aktivitas yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa dalam kegiatan perkuliahan. Sistem informasi akademik my Unpam ini terdiri dari my Dosen, my Unpam, perpustakaan, e-learning, helpdesk dan PMB online. Untuk mengetahui kebergunaan pengetahuan pada sistem akademik ini perlu dilakukan analisis knowledge management system berupa konversi pengetahuan tacit to tacit dan tacit to explicit yang digunakan sebagai tujuan penelitian ini. Metode penelitian ini yaitu studi pustaka dan observasi atau analisis terhadap website akademik Unpam. Sistem informasi akdemik UNPAM telah menerapkan knowledge Management System dengan beberapa konversi pengetahuannya. Konversi yang digunakan yaitu tacit to tacit dan tacit to explicit. Hasil persentase pengetahuan yaitu my Dosen sebanyak 25%, my UNPAM 35 %, E-Learning 10.5 %, Perpustakaan sebanyak 11.8%, Helpdesk 2% dan PMB 14.4%. Dengan demikian nilai tertinggi dan terbanyak konversi pengetahuan yaitu pada halaman web My Unpam yang sering diakses oleh mahasiswa.
Academic information system is the communication traffic between lecturers, students, and activities related to the needs of students in lecturing activities. My Unpam academic information system consists of my lecturer, my Unpam, library, e-learning, helpdesk and PMB online. To know the usefulness of knowledge in the academic system needs to be done knowledge management system analysis in the form of tacit to tacit knowledge conversion and tacit to explicit used as the purpose of this study. This research method is literature study and observation or analysis on academic website Unpam. The information system of UNPAM has applied the knowledge management system with some of its knowledge conversion. The conversion used is tacit to tacit and tacit to explicit. The result of knowledge percentage is my lecturer 25%, my UNPAM 35%, E-Learning 10.5%, Library 11.8%, 2% Helpdesk and PMB 14.4%. Thus, the highest value and the most knowledge conversion is on the My Unpam web page that is often accessed by students.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/jti.v11i2.7983 Abstract - 0 PDF - 0
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