Performance Analysis of Transfer Learning Models for Identifying AI-Generated and Real Images

Arini Arini, Muhamad Azhari, Isnaieni Ijtima’ Amna Fitri, Feri Fahrianto


This study aims to analyze and compare the performance of three transfer learning methods, namely InceptionV3, VGG16, and DenseNet121, in detecting AI-generated and real images. The background of this research is the unknown performance of transfer learning methods for detecting AI-generated and real images. This study introduces innovation by conducting 54 experiments involving three types of transfer learning, three dataset split ratios (60:40, 70:30, and 80:20), three optimizers (Adam, SGD, and RMSprop), two numbers of epochs (20 and 50), and the addition of dense and flatten layers during fine tuning. Performance evaluation was conducted using binary cross entropy loss and confusion matrix. This research provides significant benefits in determining the most effective transfer learning model for detecting AI-generated and real images and offers practical guidance for further development. The results show that the InceptionV3 model with the Adam optimizer, an 80:20 split ratio, and 20 epochs achieved the highest accuracy of 84.26%, with a loss of 39.54%, precision of 81.33%, recall of 82.43%, and an F1-Score of 81.88%.

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