Systematic Literature Review of Trend and Characteristic Agile Model
Agile is a methodology and engineering approach for software development that encourages change in collaboration through tasks carried out at various stages of the software development life cycle. Scaled Agile Framework, Kanban, Scrum, Lean, Extreme Programming, Crystal, Dynamic System Development Method, and Feature Driven Development are a few of the approaches that go along with agile. Each of these approaches has distinct traits and qualities of its own. Every engineer and researcher needs to be aware of the benefits and characteristics of each method before deciding to use one. In order to assist engineers and researchers who will use one of these methods, this research will analyze it. The method used in this paper is a systematic literature review, which involved at 52 papers published in the previous eight years, from 2018 to 2022. This method is carried out by determining research questions, determining library initiation and selection, determining inclusion and exclusion criteria, and finally performing data extraction. This essay seeks to establish: (i) Study trends on each agile technique from 2018 to 2022 and (ii) Each agile method's characteristics. The results of this literature review indicate that Scrum and Extreme Programming have overtaken other agile methodologies as the most popular agile techniques over the last eight years. Through an analysis of the characteristics of each methodology, namely the development approach, suggested iteration time period, team communication, project size, project documentation, design, workflow approach, project coordinator, role assignment, coding, testing, and the nature of customer interaction, it is found that Scrum and Extreme Programming do have several advantages over other methodologies.
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