Watermarking audio files has recently become the attention focus. This is primarily due to faster data
transmission rates on the Internet, which has allowed the often illegal proliferation of digital audio files.
Watermarking may give the ability to enforce copyright protection of digital audio files products. The difficulties
in watermarking audio lie in both the desire to preserve file quality and the need for the watermark to remain
intact after a number of possibly damaging file operations. This topic discusses about watermarking on audio
file with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) – Rinjdael algorithms with embedding procedure and extraction
to purpose protection Watermarking method to used embedding process and extraction is low bit coding method.
None of the transformations to and from frequency domain are performed either in embedding or extraction part
of the proposed scheme. Testing process done using 5 ways such as suitability of process and data, audio
quality, audio size and the last is data robustness, those result showed that embedded watermark introduces
uncertainly and the embedded watermark into audio signal very is difficult to be detected by human auditory
Keywords : Watermarking, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), low bit coding, audio file, copyright
transmission rates on the Internet, which has allowed the often illegal proliferation of digital audio files.
Watermarking may give the ability to enforce copyright protection of digital audio files products. The difficulties
in watermarking audio lie in both the desire to preserve file quality and the need for the watermark to remain
intact after a number of possibly damaging file operations. This topic discusses about watermarking on audio
file with AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) – Rinjdael algorithms with embedding procedure and extraction
to purpose protection Watermarking method to used embedding process and extraction is low bit coding method.
None of the transformations to and from frequency domain are performed either in embedding or extraction part
of the proposed scheme. Testing process done using 5 ways such as suitability of process and data, audio
quality, audio size and the last is data robustness, those result showed that embedded watermark introduces
uncertainly and the embedded watermark into audio signal very is difficult to be detected by human auditory
Keywords : Watermarking, AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), low bit coding, audio file, copyright
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