Nowadays there are lots of Network Monitoring System (NMS) software that are reliable and easy to use, such as CiscoWork, HP-OpenView, and IBM-Tivoli. It is just that the software is quite expensive, because it has classified as a commercial product. Fortunately, availability of NMS products is not limited to commercial, but also many other alternatives, namely products that classified as Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). Unfortunately, most of these FOSS products are not only difficult to implementation both in term of installation and configuration, but also limitations in the number of nodes and types of monitored, including network devices, servers, and applications. The method of selecting FOSS-based NMS software based on the Oyku Alanbay and ISO 7498-4 research methods through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach using the Expert Choice tool. Among GroundWork, Hyperic, Nagios, OpenNMS, and Zenoss, based on the results of this study put Nagios as a fair reliable software for monitoring networks, servers, and applications.
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