Universities are designed to prepare graduates who are ready to enter the workforce and are able to develop a professional attitude. Educational institutions such as the University need a form of decisions in determining the right concentration for students, so that the learning process can be achieved well. The decision is very influential on the process of handling the choice of alternative concentration, choosing an appropriate concentration of interest will also have an impact on the research focus for the final assignment of students. This research develops student concentration selection system in Electrical. Currently the concentration determination system is based only on academic assessment alone, regardless of student interest, so that it can impact on student learning outcomes. The system was developed by combining academic judgment and interest inventory with three criteria, ie, interest tests using interest inventory, prerequisite concentration course grades, and GPA. The system is built using an intelligent system model that is Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making (FMADM), which helps the Department in the selection process and helps the process of career guidance on students. With this selection system, the Department can be provide the most suitable concentration decisions with interest in student.
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