Kesesuaian Agroklimat Untuk Tanaman Manggis (Garcinia mangostana Linn) Dengan Pendekatan Analisis Spasial (Studi Kasus : Provinsi Jawa Barat)

Zainul Arham, Ferriyati Masitoh, Siti Muhajaroh


Nowadays, Technologiy is growing rapidly computer the one of example of technology, helps the human being to fulfill their need of  information. The development of  information technology and computer make the data more regular and can be seen better and faster and also make the updating data easier for example geographical information system. The development of geographical is information system in technology have create wide potention in its application in the agriculture’s sector for example doserve the condition and the growth of plants substances. The write used data interpolation and ModelBuilder method as the design of the study. Data interpolation was used to make a continue grid of theme of the shapefile  point of the data, where as ModelBuilder was a collection of processes which was done on spacial data to procedure certain information in the form of the map. The data which were used in this study were spacial data that Java Province’s map in the form of shapefile and non special data that were climate data including rainfall, temperature and humidity and the appropriateness of mangosteen angoclimate’s data. The data showed that the appropriateness of agroclimate for mangosteen plant in west Java Province’s was dominated by S2 in therm of  climate point of view.


Keywords: geographical information system (SIG), Mangostenn (gatcinia mangostana linn), Agroclimate, West Java Privince’s, ModelBuilder.

DOI: Abstract - 0


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Copyright (c) 2011 Zainul Arham, Ferriyati Masitoh, Siti Muhajaroh

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