Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca melalui Media Kartu Huruf Pada Anak Kelompok B

Sumarti Sumarti, Dedek Kustiawati


he research aims to find out whether using letter cards as a medium can improve the reading skills of group B students at RA Daarul Falah Cengkareng, West Jakarta. This type of research is action or action research as an effort to overcome problems that arise in the classroom. Technical data analysis was carried out descriptively qualitatively and quantitatively. The success indicator determined was a minimum of 75% of 13 children achieving reading ability in group B. This research was conducted in two cycles. The results of the study showed that group B's initial reading ability had increased. through letter card media in the implementation of pre-action 35.14%, and in cycle I it increased to 63.29%, because it was still less than the expected success criteria, the next action was carried out, namely cycle II and it increased very well with a percentage of 87.59%. By obtaining this percentage, the research can be said to be successful.

Keywords: Reading Ability, Letter Card Media, Early Childhood

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