Editorial Policies
Focus and Scope
This journal provides comprehensive publications on all aspects of librarianship and information in Muslim societies (locally and globally) and other domains related to archives, galleries, and museums.
The study area covers the following topics:
- Librarianship: philosophy of librarianship, librarian profession, archivists, and those related to information management.
- Library and information: library management, management of rare collections and manuscripts, information management, knowledge management, digital libraries and repositories, information and library services, information retrieval, media, and information literacy, media and information preservation, library empowerment, development of library systems/document and information institutions, library innovation, big data and library 4.0.
- Archives: archiving innovation, information and archiving policies, documentation systems, archives, and records management. Social media and record management, passive record management, monitoring, auditing, risk management, genealogy and family records, community archives, data governance, and big data phenomena.
- Gallery dan Museum: gallery and museum innovation, museum exhibition, museum and education, museum and society, museum and cultural heritage, museum and technology innovation, museum management, museum documentation (inventory and registration).
Section Policies
Open Submissions
Peer Reviewed
Peer Review Process
Articles submitted to the Journal of Islamic Librarianship will be evaluated through two review stages, namely pre-review and substance review.
The editorial team carries out article pre-review to review the article suitability with the focus and scope of the journal and a particular journal style and writing guidelines.
A double-blind review is conducted to review the substance of the submitted articles. The Chief Editor approves whether the article can be published in Chief by considering the reviewer recommendations.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
About Librarianship in Muslim Societies
Librarianship in Muslim Societies is a peer-reviewed and open access scientific journal published by the Faculty of Adab and Humanities, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta. This scientific journal is dedicated to publishing new research on all aspects of Libraries and information science, archives, and museums in Muslim Society. This journal aims to channel communication between Islamic universities or institutions and the public, consisting of academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, practitioners, policymakers, and others interested in librarian research, library and information science, archives, galleries, and museums. This journal accepts research-based articles featuring well-designed studies with clearly and logically analyzed results.