Critical Discourse Analysis through Systemic Functional Linguistics of SMS (Short Message Service) Phishing

Nana Raihana Askurny, Syihabuddin Syihabuddin, Dadang Sudana


This research is aimed to reveal the power relation in SMS (Short Service Messages) Phishing. It utilizes the three dimensions of Fairclough CDA perspective; description, interpretation, and explanation. The three functions of SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) are practiced for the data analysis. 150 SMS phishing are collected randomly from the authors’ relatives and colleagues. There are two types of SMS Phishing, Complete, and Incomplete. The complete type consists of Opening, Content, and Closing, while the Incomplete with minor Closing. The power relation has been observed from the Opening, Content, and Closing of SMS. The result is shown by the salient descriptions of the data, which are: the exclamation words ‘Selamat’ (65%) in the opening; the second personal pronoun ‘Anda’ (60%), and material process (68%) in the content; imperative moods (88%) and the fake identity of reputable institutions in the closing. The result of the study is interpreted and explained as the data description, that the phishers inserted ‘power’ in the SMS Phishing. The use of ‘Selamat’ explains that the phishers are kind and generous, then “Anda” and the imperative moods indicate that the phishers act as the first person who can lead the targets. In addition, the use of material processes and the fake reputable institution identity explains that the phishers are trustworthy and wealthy people. SMS Phishers employ those language features to make the targets believe them, and SMS becomes a fraud when the targets believe the message is true. CDA and SFL have been used in this study to reveal the intention of SMS phishing from the perspective of linguistics, therefore, the authors attempt to propose CDA and SFL as the analysis tools in the forensic linguistic field.


SMS; Phishing; Critical Discourse Analysis; and SFL.


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DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v8i1.33584


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