The Analysis of Data Literacy and Data Quality: Study at Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University

Aulia Puspaning Galih, Ágnes Hajdu Barát, Nizam Zulfanuddin Bahar, Dessy Ervina Febriyanti


Publicly funded research must be accessible to the public in digital format, with or without minimal restrictions. Research also must be reviewed for the accuracy and correctness of the data sources and references used, the accuracy of the concept, and the objectivity of the contents of the paper. This is very closely related to the quality of the research data. Realizing this, the data collected and used in the process—before, during, and after the research—will make researchers and institutions aware of the importance of data literacy. The term data literacy is used in academia to provide a brief description of the ability of individuals to understand basic research concepts, including the quality of research data they possess. Therefore, this study aims to describe the effect of data literacy on research data. This research uses explanatory research with a quantitative approach with 58 respondents from the faculty members of Faculty of Administrative Science, Brawijaya University, Indonesia. The questionnaire was filled out in both digital and printed form. Respondents have a positive tendency toward data literacy. In addition, this is also indicated by the significance of the items, with the most significant items being respondents’ ability to assess the credibility of the data they have. Then, for data quality variables, respondents also have a positive trend, as evidenced by the significance of all items. This trend will have a positive impact on the quality of data from research conducted by respondents. This research is expected to contribute to scientific developments regarding data literacy and the quality of research data, which in this case focuses on research activities conducted by lecturers at universities.


Data Literacy, Data Quality, Faculty Member.


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DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v8i1.29583


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