The Contributions of Asian Muslims’ Local Wisdom in the Seloko Adat Jambi for Empowering Social Tolerance

Badarussyamsi Badarussyamsi, Ermawati Ermawati


This article discusses the tolerance values in Seloko Adat Jambi as one of the treasures of
Jambi society. Jambi is known as free conflict area and is classified as a plural society
consisting of various beliefs, ethnic, cultural, and religious schools of thought. The tolerance
of the society is inspired by tolerance values in Seloko Adat Jambi. The aims of this study are
to explore the values of tolerance in Seloko Adat Jambi and to show that these values are
actualized in their social life. This study uses a content analysis method that explores tolerance
values in Seloko Adat Jambi texts. The findings show that empathy, friendliness, and respect
others are derivative values of tolerance in Seloko Adat Jambi. In addition, the actualization of
the values of tolerance is manifested in the ethical awareness of people who tend to respect
others, try to prevent conflicts, resolve conflicts appropriately and thoroughly, and obey the
rules that exist in society. In conclusion, the Jambi people are accustomed to the values of
local wisdom which are full of values of tolerance and respect for others. All of these thoughts
have shaped them into a society that avoid fanatical, extreme, and hostile attitudes.


Seloko Adat Jambi, Local Wisdom, Tolerance, Respect, Harmony, Conflict Resolution


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DOI: 10.15408/insaniyat.v7i1.25371


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