Enhancing Human Development Quality in Indonesia: Socio-Economic and Technological Capabilities
Research Objectives: This research aims to analyse how socio-economic and technological capabilities influence the quality of human development in Indonesia.
Research Methods: Using panel data from 34 provinces spanning the period from 2015 to 2022, the research employs a Panel Data Regression Analysis model with the best-fitted Fixed Effect model.
Empirical Results: The results of this study indicate that socio-economic factors, as seen through unemployment and poverty, significantly negatively impact Indonesia's Human Development Index (HDI). Economic growth has an insignificant effect on Indonesia's HDI. Technological capabilities, measured through the ICT Development Index, and the proportion of adolescents and adults aged 15-59 with ICT skills, have a significantly positive impact on Indonesia's HDI.
Implications: The results of this research identify factors that can either encourage or hinder HDI, offering valuable insights for government policymakers to enhance HDI in Indonesia, particularly in each region.
JEL Classification: O15, O30, O47
How to Cite:
Setyowati, I. Y., Malik, N., & Suliswanto, M.S.W. (2024). Enhancing Human Development Quality in Indonesia: Socio-Economic and Technological Capabilities. Etikonomi, 23(1), 93 – 108. https://doi.org/10.15408/etk.v23i1.35508.
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DOI: 10.15408/etk.v23i1.35508
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