Millennial’s Decision on the Use of Online Halal Marketplace in Indonesia
This study aims to analyze the Millennials' behavior influence
on their decision to use an online halal marketplace in
Indonesia, which is mediated by their perception as an
intervening variable. A probability sampling technique with
convenience sampling was used to calculate 100 from 125
collected primary data sets. The SEM-PLS statistical technique
was used to analyze the relationships among variables. The
findings showed that only technology adoption, opinions,
broader activities, and Millennials’ perception influenced their
decisions to use the online Halal marketplace, while success
& status, personal health, and brand value & reward did
not. Millennials’ perception is not an intervening variable
for all indirect effects. It implies that Millennials consider
online Halal marketplace has not been addressed to reserve
the Muslim concerns, and their decision to use it did
not necessarily derive from religious reasons. Online Halal
marketplaces must combine more suitable marketing strategies
to increase customer engagement with the Islamic brand by
consistently delivering reliable Halal products and services
to meet Millennials' needs while penetrating this segment.
JEL Classification: M31, M37, L92
How to Cite:
Aisyah, M. (2023). Millennial’s Decision on the Use of Online Halal Marketplace in Indonesia. Etikonomi, 22(2), 293 – 320.
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DOI: 10.15408/etk.v22i2.34353
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