Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetics: The Mediating Role of Attitude
This study investigates the effect of knowledge, religiosity, and
attitude on purchase intention. A more comprehensive study
model is considered an effort to add to the literature on the study
of halal cosmetics, which is still very limited amid the progress of
the halal cosmetics industry in Indonesia. The millennial sample
was used in this study and then analyzed using SEM. According
to the result, knowledge did not significantly impact purchase
intentions but played an essential role in influencing attitudes.
Meanwhile, religiosity has been proven to significantly impact and
contribute the most to determining purchase intention but was
insignificant in influencing attitudes. Finally, the result also found
that attitudes mediated the influence of knowledge and religiosity
on purchase intention. For this reason, industry players should
pay more attention to religiosity in promoting their products.
Consumers must be given additional knowledge to influence
positive consumer behavior, encouraging purchase intention. The
implication of this study is limited to the millennial sample of
the halal cosmetics product in Indonesia.
JEL Classification: M31, M37
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DOI: 10.15408/etk.v21i2.24131
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