Relationship between Managers’ Support and Training Application with Motivation to Learn as Mediator

Nur Izzaty Mohamad, Azman Ismail, Azmawaty Mohamad Nor


This study aims to assess the association between managers' support, motivation to learn, and training application. The survey method utilizes to collect data from employees at Central Government Agencies in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The SmartPLS was employed to evaluate the quality of survey questionnaire data and test the research hypotheses. SmartPLS path analysis model's findings displayed that managers' support affects training application by the mediation with motivation to learn. This finding provides essential recommendations that practitioners may use to understand different motivations to learn and formulate a training master plan that may inspire employees to maintain and accomplish their organizations' strategies and goals in times of global competition and economic uncertainty.

JEL Classification: M53, M54

How to Cite:

Mohamad, N. I., Ismail, A., & Nor, A. M. (2021). Relationship Between Managers’ Support and Training Application with Motivation to Learn as Mediator. Etikonomi, 20(1), 119 – 136.



Managers’ support; motivation to learn; training application; SmartPLS


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