Impact of the Digital Transformation of Society on the Determination of Optimal Punishment Models to Counter Crime

Nadezhda Krainova, Irina Gaag, Anna Poshivailova


The aim of the study is to define the essence of punishment in a retrospective and perspective aspects in view of the trends of the digital transformation of society. Based on an analysis of contemporary scientific views of prominent researchers, the authors develop their own provisions regarding the moral nature of punishment, the forms the legislator chooses to put punishment in, and the limited extent to which digital tools are implemented in the analyzed sphere. It is proposed to refrain from excessive use of digital instruments and artificial intelligence in penological practice in favor of securing the exclusive role of the human being in penalizing the commission of a crime, using probation techniques as the main means of individualized prevention.


Сrime; Punishment; Digital Technology; Non-Repressive Paradigm; Penological Model


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