The Avicenna Medical Journal, the official journal of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, presents multidisciplinary scientific papers which describe innovative research spanning the entire spectrum of medical aspects both basic science and clinical aspects. It addresses scientists and researchers to publish novel research that is mechanism-based, hypothesis-driven, and focus on significant issues include.
The Avicenna had changed the template of manuscript since volume 2 No 2 Year 2021 to improve the quality of Journal.
Appearing 2 times in a year under peer review, The Avicenna Medical Journal actively participates in solving the medical problem and its related aspects.
- Country of Publication: Indonesia
- Publisher: Faculty of Medicine, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
- Format: Print and Online
- ISSN: P-ISSN: 2716-3628 & E-ISSN: 2720-9563
- Doi : 10.15408/avicenna
- Frequency : Twice
- Scope: Basic research and biomedical approaches to disease; clinical studies; social and other aspects in an integrated focus on solving medical problems; Islamic medical research; medical education research; and genetic and biomolecular research
- Article Processing Charges: 400,000,- IDK
- Types of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journals
- Languange: English
- Open Access: Yes
- Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
- Policy: Peer-reviewed
- ReviewTime: Eight Weeks Approximately
- Licensed under: CC-BY-NC
- Contact & Submission e-mail:
- Visitor: View My Stats

Vol 5, No 1 (2024): The Avicenna Medical Journal
Table of Contents
Achmad Zaki, Melia Fatrani Rufaidah, Maulana Ihza Mahendra, Bisatyo Mardjikoen, Mahesa Paranadipa Maikel
Mahesa Paranadipa Maikel, Maslim Syahruddin
Bela Sukma Ayunda, Sofiya Sofiya, M Iqbal Sunli, Arini Retno Palupi
Reza Aditya Digambiro, Edy Parwanto, Indah Widya Lestari, Julian Chendrasari, Dyah Ayu Woro Setyaningrum, Florinda Ilona
Fitria Mahrunnisa, Erike Anggraini Suwarsono, Vina Izzatul Awaliyah
Maslim Syahruddin, Sayid Ridho, Dwi Tyastuti