Tri Kusnari, Edmon Daris, Iwan Aminuddin


Most coffee plantations in Indonesia are community plantations in a damaged or poorly maintained state of coffee plants that are old and susceptible to disease and not quality coffee plants, so coffee commodities in Indonesia have a low level of productivity. To encourage the sustainability of a resilient national coffee commodity in the future, research and development activities are needed regarding coffee competitiveness, both in the domestic and world markets, as well as testing the impact of coffee plant expansion and rejuvenation programs that have been run by the government, such as in the Garut Regency area. This study aims to determine the competitiveness of coffee commodities after implementing the coffee plant development program and analyze the impact of coffee plant development program policies on the income level of coffee farmers in the Garut Regency area. This research was carried out at the location of coffee plantation development program activities in the Garut Regency of West Java Province. The sample number of 83 respondent farmers came from 4 villages in 4 sub-districts in Garut Regency. Data collection directly in the field through interviews using questionnaires to respondent farmers. Data analysis using quantitative descriptive methods and PAM (Policy Analysis Matrix) analysis methods with the help of Microsoft Excel software. The results of this study show that coffee farming in the Coffee Plant Development Program in Garut Regency has competitive and comparative advantages after government program intervention. Government policies in the Coffee Plant Development Program in the Garut Regency have a good impact on reducing input costs, increasing profits, and protecting coffee farmers in the Garut Regency.


Impact, Policy, Farming, Coffee, Competitiveness

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15408/aj.v17i1.36670 Abstract - 0 PDF - 0


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