Tantangan Etika dalam Pengelolaan Anggaran Negara dalam Era Transformasi Digital

Rizha Fahmi Ramadhani, Salsabila Nabilah Aliyah


Digital transformation has reshaped the challenges and strategies of managing national budgets. This era places transparency, accountability, integrity, and data security as its primary focus. The significance of transparency and accountability in the management of national finances, particularly through the adoption of information technology, presents opportunities to enhance the effectiveness of public services. However, these changes also bring ethical challenges, especially concerning data security. The success of digital transformation requires ethical leadership, an understanding of data security risks, and the implementation of stringent policies. The adoption of financial technology can expedite the digitization of public services, escalating the risks associated with data security and potential fraud. Therefore, strategic strategies are needed to ensure that budget management adheres to ethical principles and integrity. The active role of the government is crucial in ensuring that transparency and accountability remain top priorities. Concrete steps, such as interactive services through digital platforms, can increase public engagement. The importance of integrity and data security is acknowledged as a central point, with policies and practices supporting information security. Further research can explore the role of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, in enhancing transparency and data security in the management of national budgets.

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DOI: 10.15408/sd.v11i1.36984


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